I'm wrapping my PhD at the University of Warwick, where I was based between the CDT Urban Science and the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies. My PhD research is supervised by Greg McInerny and João Porto de Albuquerque. I've successfully defended my thesis titled Developing a practice-based approach to critical visualisation through urban data case studies and am now looking for postdoc positions to further explore the integration of data studies, visualisation studies and visualisation practice.

During my PhD I explored how critical data studies and visualisation can work together in critical visualisation. I'm interested in how data represent what they represent, how they are represented and made explorable in visualisation/s, and how their limitations, inherent assumptions and definitions can be represented with/in visualisation. I explored these questions by working with tree data, building age data, and through exploring how seamful visualisation—as a critical lens, method, and practice—could facilitate a critical approach to visualisation by surfacing and representing the seams hidden in seamless visualisations. 🌳 🏠 🪡

While mostly lying at the intersection of data studies and data visualisation, my research is interdisciplinary and draws from technical and technologically-orientated disciplines, together with concepts and approaches from philosophy and humanities.

Previously, I did an MA in Urban Futures at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, during which I spend some time as a visiting student at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies at the University of Warwick where I studied within the MSc Urban Analytics and Visualisation programme. I did my undergraduate studies in Dutch-German Studies at the University of Münster, including a year of studies in social urban history as well as media and communication at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.